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Your Psychic Self Page 9

  Synchronicities let us know that we are on the right path by allowing us to learn something that will advance our spiritual growth. There isn’t any way to explain why the events happened the way they occurred. Synchronicities have a positive effect in your life, because they influence and expand your thinking. They can bring about what you need—people whom you should be in contact with or awareness that wasn’t within you before the event.

  Cloud Messages

  A cloud message is exactly what it seems; when you look up at the sky and see a cloud in the image of something that has meaning to you, it is confirmation of a question you’ve been pondering or is enlightening in some other way. A cloud may be in the shape of a personal symbol, an angel, or even appear as spelled-out words. Cloud messages are often a sign that a spirit is near and communicating with you.

  Receiving a cloud message is different than just trying to find fun shapes or pictures in the clouds with your kids or a friend. They are more dramatic, they make you think on a spiritual level, and you feel or sense a message associated with them.

  If you’re faced with a problem or need confirmation of any kind, ask for a cloud message. Then take your camera so that you can record what you see. Find a place where you can sit quietly and look at the sky, watching the clouds. When you see one that feels like it’s drawing your gaze to it, take pictures. Cloud messages don’t usually last very long due to the atmospheric winds, so pay close attention.

  Try It Now:

  Find a Message in the Clouds

  For this exercise, head outside to a park bench or somewhere you can sit quietly. Take your camera and a notepad so you can take pictures of the cloud messages or draw them if you don’t get pictures in time. As you sit in your chosen spot, think of a question or situation you want answered. Now watch the clouds to see what forms. Write down or photograph the results, making sure to write down how you feel about the message. You will hopefully find this information very valuable when you go back and read it later.

  Were you able to recognize some of these subtle ways that your abilities present themselves? You may have more of your own experiences that you can add to this list, things that happen to you that may not have been addressed here. If you haven’t started writing down how your abilities appear and how they work for you, now is a good time to start. By keeping a written record instead of just relying on your memory, you’ll be able to look back and see your progress.



  Using Your Abilities

  in Everyday Life

  Most of you will probably decide not to work as a professional intuitive and give readings for others. Instead, you may be an “everyday intuitive” and use your abilities daily—to gain insights into situations where you need assistance, to offer support to others, or to generally guide you as the unique individual that you are. In understanding how your abilities work by engaging them on a daily basis, you will spread your light among those you meet and interact with daily. By connecting with your own abilities, you may inadvertently help someone else connect with their unique abilities. Embrace the intuitive part of yourself as you live life. Your abilities are a gift to guide you on your spiritual path.

  When you’re in tune with your intuitive abilities, they can be very helpful in your daily life. You can learn to fine-tune them so that they can be used at a moment’s notice without requiring you to sit in a special place using specific tools. Take time to practice working with your abilities without a routine, using them randomly throughout the day. Becoming comfortable using your abilities may take a little time, but through focus and practice it will become second nature to you. The following are examples of ways you can begin to actively incorporate or recognize your intuitive abilities in your everyday life.

  Parking Spaces, Clearing Phone Lines

  Sometimes life can be frustrating. Having intuitive abilities can also be frustrating because you don’t always want to know the things you know, and when you do want to know something, it might be totally evasive. But there are times when having psychic abilities is hugely beneficial. You can see right through someone who isn’t telling the truth, you know what is going on when people are whispering and keeping secrets around you without having to be told, and you can open up parking spaces during the rush of the holiday season (or at any time that a parking lot is full and you need a space). Don’t believe me? Well, here’s how you do it.

  If you know ahead of time that the parking lot will be packed (for instance, if you’re going to the mall on Black Friday), then use creative visualization and imagine yourself driving to the mall and finding an empty space on the first row you drive down. You can also ask your guides for help, especially if you arrive to find that there aren’t any empty spaces. Just ask them to clear a space for you and lead you to the open spot. You’ll often find that one opens up right away. Remember to always thank your guides when this happens.

  The next time you make a phone call and get a busy signal repeatedly, use your intuitive abilities and the power of manifestation to imagine a clear line so the call will go through. Using your third eye, which is located in the center of your forehead between your hairline and the bridge of your nose, you’ll clairvoyantly look at the connection between your phone and the place you are calling. If you’re using a cell phone, visualize the signal traveling through air; if you’re using a land line, envision a big black cable filled with other multicolored smaller cables. As you focus on this connection, send strong positive energy through the line to clear it. Imagine that all of the stagnant energy that is clogging the path moves out of the way, allowing your energy to quickly clear a passageway for your call to connect. This is not kicking someone else off the line so your call can get through. It is visualizing that the line has cleared so your call can connect. Now, dial the number again. If you don’t get through, do the exercise again and make sure you’re using clear focus and very positive energy. I use this exercise all the time and find it works.

  You can also use the same method for clearing a phone line to intentionally move something. I’m not talking about telekinesis, although this could be a mild form of that ability. When you move something with intention, you’re sending a thought to a person or thing to do something differently than what is currently being done. For example, let’s say you’re driving on the freeway and you’re blocked in with cars on all sides, and they could move into a different lane but aren’t doing so. If you really want to get out of this box, send the drivers of the other cars the thought to move into a different lane so you can move over as well, then say thank you when they do. You can use this same technique in other little ways throughout your day.

  Receiving Intuitive Impressions for Yourself

  I’m often asked if I get impressions for myself. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. When you are intuitive, there will be times and certain situations where you don’t get impressions for yourself or for those you are extremely close to. If a traumatic experience happens and you didn’t see it beforehand, you may blame yourself. I want to address this because I feel that there are people who become fearful of using their abilities because they were wrong in the past or because they didn’t see something they felt they should have seen or known.

  The thing with intuitive abilities is that you can’t always predict what will happen in your own life because it’s a conflict of interest. We are here to learn life lessons and to grow spiritually in order to progress on our life path, so how can we learn anything if we’re always seeing everything that is going to happen to us? Sometimes you have to live the experience to learn from it. You’re also so emotionally involved with what is going on in your own life that you sometimes can’t see the situation clearly. After all, you’re only human and this is part of the human experience.

  That being said, there are plenty of times when I have seen things for myself or my loved ones. When I worked outside of my home, I’d lo
ok in the newspaper for work whenever I was looking for a job. I always knew which jobs I’d get because it looked as if the words would rise up from the page like a little three-dimensional picture. I’d apply and get the job. I do readings for myself all the time, I talk to my guides, and I follow my impressions. It’s normally the big things that I don’t see for myself—the things that really put a strain on life like accidents, sudden illnesses, or financial crises. If I’m not seeing a situation clearly, I’ll ask a trusted psychic friend for their impressions to see if I’m totally off base or if what they see fits with what I sense.

  No psychic is ever 100 percent correct. If someone tells you they are, don’t get a reading with them. Don’t expect that you will see everything that will happen to you and those you love. That’s an unreasonable expectation. You can be intuitive, help others with your abilities with love and understanding, and still learn the lessons you need to learn for your own growth. Don’t beat yourself up about what you didn’t see; instead, learn whatever lesson the event held for you. Don’t throw your abilities away but rely on them and know that you will be shown what you’re supposed to know. Ask for guidance from the spiritual realm and then listen to the advice you receive.

  Finding and Eliminating Fears with Intuition

  Fear is the one emotion that will continually hold you back in all areas of your life. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You’ve probably heard the saying that you should “face your fears,” but how do you do that if you’re afraid? It’s not easy, but if you use your intuitive ability to search out the source of those fears, then they’re easier to face and eliminate.

  Growing up, I always had an abnormal fear of ants and false teeth. Go ahead, laugh. These were really irrational fears but to me, they were very real. All I had to do was see a set of false teeth on television and I’d burst into a fit of uncontrollable crying. Let an ant get on me and the same thing would happen. Everyone laughed at me, said I was being silly, and they were right, but I didn’t know how to stop the reaction. I thought the reason I was afraid of ants was because, as a baby, I’d been sitting beside a tree and ants got all over me. I didn’t even remember it, but I’d been told about it growing up. I was afraid of false teeth because someone in my childhood told me they were going to give me a present so I should close my eyes and hold out my hands. I did, and when I opened my eyes, there were false teeth sitting there. I screamed, dropped them, and hid under the porch. It was very traumatizing for me.

  I decided to use my intuitive abilities to try to get to the bottom of these fears. I asked my guides to help me and to show me the source of the fear so that I could eliminate it. I used my clairvoyance during meditation to sense the instigating event for these fears. Boy, was I surprised to learn that the fear of ants had nothing to do with ants getting on me as a baby, but it stemmed from a past life. Once I saw this past life and understood my role in it, I was able to release my fear of ants. I still don’t like those little creatures but I’m no longer terrified of them.

  The false-teeth fear did stem from the event that happened in this lifetime, but I realized that it wasn’t because of the false teeth, although it was shockingly traumatic to see them in my hands. It was the fear of trusting someone and having that trust crushed by an adult who thought it was a funny practical joke on a ten-year-old child. There wasn’t anything funny about it to me. By looking back at the event as a stranger looking in and using clairvoyance to help me see it clearly, I was able to understand and let it go. I still don’t like false teeth but I can look at them now without emotion.

  You can face your fears in the same way by searching for their root cause with whatever intuitive abilities you possess. Ask your guides for their help. Once you find the cause, you can take back the power it’s holding over you and let your fear go.

  Intuitive Triggers

  An intuitive trigger is the ability to set physical signs as reminders for something you need to do, or to set exact symbols for spirit contact, upcoming changes, and growth of intuitive abilities. You may have used your ability to set intuitive triggers for yourself without even realizing that you did it. This works on the spiritual level just as tying a string around your finger to remember something works on the physical level.

  The first type of intuitive trigger is one you use to remind yourself of something you have to do. For instance, you have a doctor’s appointment at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday. You might intuitively set a trigger that you’ll see an orange frog three hours before the appointment to remind you of it. Then, when you see that orange frog on the television, you remember your appointment. This works because you’re using your ability to set and program a specific reaction to the energy of a specific catalyst. The catalyst can be anything you like: a gallon of milk, an animal, the ringing of a bell, or even a stapler. It doesn’t matter what the item is, it’s your choice, and the energy connection to the catalyst is what activates the memory of what you need to do. Granted, with the technological advances in cell phones, you may not need an intuitive trigger to remind you because you could just set an appointment alarm to ring, but if you’re working on advancing your intuitive potential and strengthening your abilities, then try using this type of trigger for a while instead of your cell phone. Make the trigger something out of the ordinary that you wouldn’t expect to see. If it’s a common occurrence, then it may not work as well.

  The other type of intuitive trigger is one that, when you see it, you know it is a sign that a very specific type of intuitive experience is about to happen. You can set different triggers for different types of phenomena. You may have a sign that your spirit guides show you every time they are going to communicate with you or to let you know they are nearby. It may be a butterfly, a dove, or a specific number. Or you may experience a whirring sound in your ears to let you know you’re about to astral travel, you might see an angel formed in the clouds for angel contact, and you may encounter a different sign that lets you know you’re going to have an experience that will lead to the development of a new intuitive ability.

  Regardless of the types of intuitive triggers you set for yourself, using them will allow you to remember, become more aware, and feel a greater connection to your own abilities, guides, and spirituality.

  Try It Now: Set an Intuitive Trigger

  For this exercise, I want you to choose an event that is coming up this month. Once you have the event in mind, sit quietly and choose an intuitive trigger for it. For this exercise, choose a butterfly to be the trigger. Once your trigger is set by following the instructions above, wait until the event happens; once it has happened, write down the details of the event and how the trigger worked for you.

  Validation Signs/Confirmation Signs

  While intuitive triggers always happen before the event, confirmation signs happen after the event to let you know that what you experienced was indeed intuitive or spiritual in nature. I see dragonflies all the time regarding intuitive experiences. Or, if I’m talking to someone, I may see confirmation signs for them. Something that will confirm to them that what we were discussing is part of their truth.

  Whether you’re just beginning to learn about your intuitive abilities or are a longtime practitioner, there will be times when you will receive validation signs in regard to your intuitive gifts. These are second signs that act as confirmation of a previous sign or impression that lets you know the information you received was correct.

  When spirits are around, they will often give you signs of their presence. Your spirit guides, angels, or loved ones who have passed often use signs to let you know that they are with you. Loved ones may send a particular scent, song, or specific words that were important to them in life or that meant something to the two of you. Angels often have unique scents or will leave feathers to let you know they are near. Specific objects such as coins are also used. Sometimes you may not understand that what you’re experiencing is a sign. You may notice the sign and t
hink of your guide or loved one, but not realize that the sign is from them, so they will send you another one until you connect the dots.

  It’s easy to question your intuitive talents and doubt that you’re correct in what you’re experiencing. Your doubt will lead to a second sign from the spiritual plane that lets you know you’re right. Let’s look at a couple of examples. Let’s say you’re cooking dinner and you’ve got the television on in the adjacent room. All of a sudden someone on the television says the words “knee high to a grasshopper.” Those words seem to jump out at you and remind you of something that your grandfather used to say when he was alive, so you go into the other room to see what the show is about. It’s a news anchor reporting on a story. As you look at the television, the reporter’s name pops up in a little box near the bottom of the screen. The reporter has the same first name as your grandfather. This is a validation sign that your grandfather is close by. So you go back to the kitchen to finish dinner and realize that you’re cooking pork chops, your grandfather’s favorite meal.

  When it comes to intuitive impressions, they can happen in a similar manner. Let’s say you suddenly sense that you need to go to the store for milk immediately, even though you still have half a gallon in the fridge. So, following your impression, you jump in the car and go. On the way there, you notice a sign that has the words “wait until tomorrow” on it. In the store, a lady you don’t know starts to talk to you. She’s telling you, a complete stranger, about a problem that is worrying her. You think of the half-full milk carton and the words that you noticed and you tell her, “Sometimes you have to look at the glass as half full, and sometimes, you just have to wait until tomorrow for the situation to become clear.” The woman suddenly smiles at you and says, “You’re right. That’s exactly what I’ll do. I’m sure this will work out just fine.” Because you acted on your initial impression to go to the store, and paid attention to the signs that you received along the way, you were able to help someone who was upset to see a situation more clearly. Pay attention to the signs you are given because they have the ability not only to help you, but others as well.