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Your Psychic Self Page 8

  Because you are intuitive, you feel, see, and know more than someone who isn’t in tune with their abilities. When someone invades your personal space, reach out and do a quick analysis to see if they are just insecure and feel drawn to your light. I tend to allow a person to stand close to me, even if I feel uncomfortable with it, if I sense that they are drawn to my light. If I step back and they follow, then there is a reason that it is happening and I won’t step away again. It may be that you will act as a catalyst to help that person in some way, whether it’s gaining insight into intuitive abilities, spirituality, or just giving them a confidence booster that they need. To be honest, this was a difficult thing for me to learn to do; I like my personal space to be clear of other people unless I want them there. It may be hard for you as well, but if a person’s reasons are pure, you may choose to allow their closeness.

  Difficult to Surprise

  I love being surprised, don’t you? Especially when it’s a good surprise that takes me completely off guard. The problem is that I’m difficult to surprise because of my intuitive ability. You may be the same way. If you’re the kind of person that is hard to surprise because you always know what’s happening no matter how sneaky everyone tries to be, then you are intuitive, even if you don’t think you are. When you’re intuitive, even a small glance between those trying to surprise you will be full of impressions, and you’ll know.

  For me, parties are the worse. I always know. I sense what’s going on long before it happens and I really don’t like knowing because I love being surprised. So I try to put up blocks near holidays or birthdays so I don’t pick up on what’s going on, but it doesn’t always work. The very best surprise party that I ever received was when I was pregnant with my youngest child. My husband took us shopping for a new baby bed even though we had a perfectly good one. I started getting tired—I was about to burst with baby at this point in my pregnancy and wanted to go home. But my husband wanted to do this and that (after the fact I knew that he was stalling). We finally got home at 12:30 p.m. We parked the car, got the kids out, and he and the kids walked into the kitchen through the garage door in front of me. When I walked in, all I heard was a loud “SURPRISE!” All of my friends and family were standing in my dining room and sunroom. There was food everywhere and a huge stack of presents for the new baby on a table. But there wasn’t a car anywhere to be seen in front of my house. I’m laughing as I write this because they had all parked on another street on the other side of the neighborhood and walked to our house. My mom and husband knew too well how hard it is to surprise me, so they’d been in super-stealth mode for several weeks. I hadn’t picked up on a thing. It was the coolest baby shower ever, one that I’ll never forget, simply because it was such a fantastic surprise.

  If you find yourself in the hard-to-surprise club with me, recognize that your intuitive abilities are the most likely cause. You can put up blocks that keep you from picking up on the surprise. It doesn’t always work, especially if your abilities are strong, but when it does, it’s absolutely wonderful.

  Getting the “Chills”

  As an intuitive, you often connect with signs from the Universe that let you know you’re on the right path or are fulfilling your life purpose. You may experience déjà vu or you may clairvoyantly see an event unfold that acts as confirmation. If you ask for a specific sign, that sign is often delivered. The most amazing sign that I’ve ever experienced is what I call the Chills of Universal Truth. These chills are not unique to me; everyone experiences them many times in their life. The key is to know what they are, so that when you do experience them, you can fully understand their meaning.

  The Chills of Universal Truth are different than any other chill you will ever experience. You may catch a chill while chilling at your friend’s house, watching a movie that gave you the chills, or a documentary that sent chills up your spine. But the Chills of Universal Truth is an all-encompassing feeling that signals you have hit upon a Universal Truth that surpasses this lifetime and penetrates to the depths of your soul. You will probably speak your amazed wonder out loud with a “whoa” or “wow.” There isn’t any way to avoid recognition and acceptance of what you’ve experienced because the feeling is too powerful and overwhelming to ignore.

  How do you know when you’re experiencing this? Let’s say you’re talking with your friend on the phone and you’re discussing intuitive abilities. You doubt your abilities and she’s being a sounding board as you let your feelings out. During the course of the conversation, she says to you, “Don’t doubt yourself. Remember that the essence of the soul shines through, regardless of whether or not you believe you’re doing everything right.” Your friend just thinks she’s giving helpful advice but as she finishes her sentence, you know, utterly and completely, without a single doubt, that what she just said is a soul truth for you. Suddenly you understand that your intuitive abilities don’t have to manifest exactly like everyone else’s; you just have to do what feels right to you, because this is your life path and your truth. As these thoughts flash through your mind, Chills of Universal Truth start at the center of your being, energizing you, completely filling your mind, body, and spirit. The feeling moves out to your extremities—your arms have goose bumps, but you feel an odd sense of security through every fiber of your being. Sometimes you shudder as the Chills of Universal Truth race through you. Other times, it is followed by peaceful warmth. You feel empowered with the knowledge you’ve just gained; you have connected with your soul truth and are filled with light awareness.

  When you experience a chill of this magnitude (and you’re not standing outside in ten-degree weather), think of what was said immediately prior to the chill encompassing you. It will be connected to your soul’s truth in some way. Usually the words themselves will seem to stand out so you notice them prior to getting the chill. They may seem louder or grab your attention if you were only half listening to the conversation. These words were meant for you; they are yours, embrace them.

  Strong Reaction to a Stranger

  When you meet someone for the first time, you decide whether or not you like that person based on your first impression of them. You look at how they present themselves, how they’re dressed, their hygiene, and what they say and how they say it. You also base your opinion of the person on how they come across to you. Are they confident or a know-it-all? Do they seem genuine or fake? Sometimes you may make the wrong decision because you really don’t know the person well enough yet, and over time, they could prove you wrong. Maybe the person has had a horrific day or they’re sick. There could be extenuating circumstances that cause them to make less than a good first impression. Then again, your first impression may be correct.

  Whether you realize it or not, you also make your decision based on your intuitive impressions of a person at your first meeting. You may have a strong negative or positive reaction to a person that you don’t understand. When your gut reaction is extremely strong, whether it’s positive or negative, you’re picking up on that person’s energy and intent; it is also possible that you recognize them from a past life.

  You should always listen to your first impression, even if you end up being wrong. Keep it in the back of your mind until the person proves to you that what you initially sensed was incorrect. It only takes one time of getting burned by disregarding your first impression to make you wary. In my life, I’ve had three instances that really stand out and because of them, I always pay attention to my first intuitive impressions when meeting someone. The first time, I met a person who gave off such intense negative vibrations that I ended up quitting my job. Three months later, the company was out of business due to the actions of this person. Another time I met a person and it was like cats circling, ready for a fight. We didn’t like each other at all. But, during a visit to a medium, a past life was revealed that explained it all and we went on to be friends until life took us our separate ways. The third time, I got a strong
negative reaction and didn’t act on it. Months later, there were major problems with this person and it was discovered the person had a drinking problem.

  Intuitive impressions that you receive during your first meeting with someone should never be ignored or put up to your imagination. In all three cases I just mentioned, my empathic ability gave me the ability to feel these individuals’ negativity. In some of these situations, the negativity can be resolved; in others it can’t.

  Sudden Urges

  One of the ways your psychic abilities can manifest is in sudden urges. Out of nowhere, you might abruptly feel that you have to go somewhere and do something. There are no if, ands, or buts about it. You feel that you absolutely must follow the urge. The feeling is very strong, as if you’re being guided to do this thing, and it’s usually your spirit guides helping you. If you do what you’re being urged to do, you’ll often find that you were “in the right place at the right time” and good things resulted from your actions, which makes you happy. When you ignore these sudden urges, you’ll probably discover something later that lets you know why you felt the way you did.

  Sudden urges often happen when you’re driving. Here’s an example of a time when I received a sudden urge and ignored it. I needed to go to the feed store, which is about twenty minutes driving time from our barn. Five minutes of that drive is on a major interstate. As I was driving toward the interstate, I got the sudden urge to take Central Boulevard instead of going on the interstate. It would take an extra ten minutes of driving time. I decided just to take the interstate—boy, did I regret not listening to that sudden urge. I had just exited the ramp and driven about a minute when traffic came to a complete standstill. I sat in traffic for nearly a half hour, creeping toward my exit. Had I taken Central, I would have saved myself a lot of time. That just goes to show you that intuitive impressions in the form of sudden urges will help if you’ll listen to them. It might not make a lot of sense at the time, but will most often be clear later.

  Let’s look at another example of how this can work. What if you got the sudden urge for ice cream? How could that have anything to do with intuition? Isn’t it just a craving? Let’s say you act on the urge to go get ice cream. You’re sitting in the ice cream parlor munching away on a yummy banana split when in walks a friend you haven’t seen in months. You invite her to sit with you, and find out she also had a sudden urge for ice cream. During the conversation, you find out about a job opening at the company where she works. Because you’ve just been laid off, she offers to put in a good word for you. The next week you’re back to work and spending more time with your friend. So that sudden urge to get ice cream was in fact guidance for the two of you to reconnect and for you to find a new job. Now aren’t you glad you went to get ice cream?


  A hunch is an intuitive feeling that you get about a situation. It’s different than a sudden urge where you feel compelled to take immediate action. A hunch can pull at you, nag at you until you either take action or disregard it. You may find out after the fact that your hunch was correct and you might regret not acting upon your feeling, or it may have been wrong and you’re relieved. Either way, following your intuitive hunches is a good way to strengthen your intuitive ability. The more often your hunches turn out to be right, whether or not you have chosen to act on them, the more you will trust in your intuition.

  Following a hunch is not out of the ordinary. Business people follow their hunches all the time and usually don’t attribute them to any type of intuitive ability. However, it is their intuition at work. Making decisions and taking risks based on hunches often turn out to be correct.

  Another aspect to consider is how often you have hunches. Do you get them on a daily basis or only once in a blue moon? The more attuned you are to your hunches, the more you’re accessing intuitive ability. You may find that other people consider your hunches to be fascinating and will wonder how you know these things. Other people might say that you’re lucky or that you are so logically inclined that you can figure things out before they happen. Only you know if you’re being overly logical or tapping into your intuition. You might even be doing a little of both.

  Let’s look at a fictional example. You’re in a meeting at work and you notice one of your coworkers is often glancing at his secretary. She glances at him quite often too, and then you catch the two of them sharing a secretive smile. Logically you think that these two must be having an affair. The woman sitting next to you leans over and whispers, “I have a hunch that we’re all in for a big surprise.” You think to yourself that their spouses will have an even bigger surprise when the truth comes out. The meeting continues for over an hour and you’ve forgotten about your assumption. Then, as your boss is finishing up, he says he has a big announcement to make. The door opens and in walks a huge celebrity. Everyone is shocked to learn that your company has just signed a multimillion dollar deal and hired the celebrity as the new company spokesperson. The boss goes on to thank the two coworkers who were smiling so secretively for closing the deal and signing the celebrity. You were wrong and the woman with the hunch was right.

  Hunches don’t always pan out this way. Sometimes they are wrong. As you develop your intuition, you’ll start to feel the difference in the energy of a hunch that will prove to be correct and one that may not turn out as you perceive it.

  Déjà vu

  Déjà vu is a French term that means “already seen.” When you experience déjà vu, you feel as if you have already experienced what you’re doing at that exact moment. It can be so overwhelming and strong that you know exactly what will happen next. Sometimes it does happen and sometimes it doesn’t; the unique aspect of déjà vu is that you shouldn’t be familiar with the situation you are experiencing, yet you are. You’re happily going through your daily life when suddenly a few moments in time feel as if you’ve already lived them. It stops you in your tracks, and you feel very strange. Almost everyone who has this experience will voice the experience at the moment it happens by saying “déjà vu.” It’s such a common saying that almost anyone who hears it will know what is happening to you.

  There are many different hypotheses as to why déjà vu occurs, from medical issues to dreams you’ve had in the past that you don’t remember. It’s often thought to have nothing to do with intuitive abilities or spirituality. I’m not a medical doctor so I can’t voice an opinion regarding medical causes for this phenomenon, but I can give you my opinion from a spiritual point of view and as a clairvoyant. I believe in reincarnation and that we each map out a plan for our lives prior to birth in order to have specific experiences on the earthly plane and to learn lessons from those experiences. Therefore, I believe that déjà vu is a sign that we have also planned on the spiritual plane to let us know that we’re on the right path here on earth. It’s a memory from when we were on the Other Side and planning our life paths and lessons. We may have planned to experience this memory during difficult times or at random points in our lives as an indication that we’re following our life path and are on the right track. It’s reassurance that we should keep moving forward, no matter how difficult the circumstances that we’re experiencing in our lives. Think about the times when you’ve experienced déjà vu. Were you going through major life changes? Were you under stress? Worried? Did you experience more instances of déjà vu during these times than you normally do? I’ve found that this does happen and that déjà vu will often come in spurts. There may be long periods of times between each experience, but during other periods it will happen quite frequently. The closer you are to your chosen path, the more you will have déjà vu, just as you will have it more often during times when you question the reason for your existence and when you need reassurance that you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing in your life.

  You may disagree with my take on this, and that’s fine. That’s your path. But the next time you experience déjà vu, consider how it is conn
ected to your life and your intuitive abilities. You may be surprised at what you discover.


  Coincidence is defined as “a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.” Do you believe in coincidence or that things happen for a reason? Believers in coincidence may still be finding their way on their spiritual pathway, or have yet to see the Universal picture of what is happening in their lives. As they become more spirituality enlightened, they usually see the bigger picture and blame events on coincidence less and less, while looking for the spiritual purpose behind the event. When it comes to coincidence, you may not see the reason behind what happened immediately, but you do look for the reason because you see it as something that you planned to learn or as a catalyst for an event which gives you the opportunity to learn or help someone else learn.

  Sometimes the reason for the coincidental thing that happened is immediately apparent and at other times you never learn the exact reason. Have faith in the knowledge that you are moving along your path and the event is part of what you have set out to learn in this lifetime. There is always a spiritual purpose behind what happens to you in life. Try to look for deeper meanings behind coincidental events and your motivation in situations. Find your purpose in the moments as you live them; seek the inspiration of the lessons you are to learn and move forth on your chosen path.


  Synchronicity is when several unrelated events lead up to a specific outcome that has meaning to you. Coincidence, if you believe in it, is when something happens simply by chance and without any purpose. Synchronicities are often messages in disguise. They are experiences created by your higher self or your guides that will bring you greater awareness. Synchronicity is when unrelated events happen at the same time and these events speak to you on a soul level or reveal something that has profound meaning to you. They often feel like they are divinely guided in order to bring you to a place of awareness and understanding that you may not have achieved, had the sequence of events not happened in the way they did.