Your Psychic Self Page 4
Improving Accuracy
As you develop your intuition, you’ll notice that it feels different from your normal five senses. The information you receive may come to you in a particular manner. For instance, if your vision always gets a little blurry when you’re receiving a clairvoyant impression, it is sign that you are using a sixth sense. Because each of us is a unique individual, the way you receive an impression will be unique to you, although there are some similarities that many people share. With intuition, the more you use it, the more accurate it will become. Practice is a key aspect of becoming more accurate in your impressions.
There are a few things that you should do as you practice using your abilities. Start by just thinking about your gifts. The more you think about them, the more you’ll connect to them, even if you’re not using them at the time. When you are using your abilities, relax and consciously move to your balanced center. If you’re working on receiving clairvoyant impressions, allow those impressions to come to you and believe in them. Don’t try to second-guess yourself, because that can cause you to discard the correct impression and listen to your own thoughts and feelings of what you think the impression should be. It is helpful to have someone who will work with you so you can receive impressions for them and they can confirm whether what you’re seeing is correct. When you receive feedback from someone, you’ll know if you’re improving your ability. If you’re working alone, practice with events that you can confirm on your own.
Using Your Abilities: Any Place, Any Time
The more you feel at one with your abilities, the easier it will be to use them at any place or at any time. You may start by setting aside a time every day when you can practice enhancing your ability. As time passes, you’ll hopefully find that it is easy to quickly receive and interpret impressions accurately. You’ll soon find that you don’t need to have tools like cards or runes at your disposal, even if you like using them, but will be able to rapidly move from not using your abilities to receiving impressions without doing anything special. This happens because you’re growing within your abilities as you move forward on your spiritual path.
Let’s compare using your abilities with another example. A professional sprinter practices on the track, making his body toned and muscular. During competitions, he runs based on his training, body strength, and dexterity. But what happens off the track? Let’s say he sees a child about to step out into traffic. Using his training and ability to run fast, he’s able to get to the child quickly and save his life. This athlete is able to use his abilities any place and any time other than what he specifically trained for because the sprinting skill has become a part of him. Your intuitive abilities are a part of you as well. Once you’ve become accustomed to using your abilities, you can use them at any place and any time, just like the athlete. You will not need to sit at a special place or have specific things around you to receive impressions when you’re away from your working area and tools. The impressions will come to you through your “clair” abilities whenever you need them (see chapter three).
Honor Your Gifts
Being intuitive is a gift that you have received in order to obtain a glimpse into the past, present, or future. Honor this gift by being true to yourself, honest in your impressions, and sincere in your desire to do good deeds on the earthly plane when using your gifts.
By honoring these gifts as part of your inner knowledge and soul truth, you are embracing all of your spiritual essence. When you honor your intuition by using it for the greater good, you are allowing yourself to accept all that you are, which can help you overcome any issues or situations that you may be experiencing in your life.
Learn to honor and respect your intuitive gifts through use. Ask questions and receive the response without allowing your rational, logical, thinking mind to get in the way. Believe in the impressions you receive, the words you hear, or the vision you see as a personal truth or a message that will help someone else embrace their own truth. You have been given your gifts for a reason; use them to enhance and embrace your true soul essence as you make your way on the earthly plane.
The Power in Secrets
If someone told you a secret, would you share it? Are you a person who keeps your mouth shut when a secret is told to you, or does it eat away at you until you just have to tell someone else? Not only does keeping secrets make you a person of honor and integrity, but it also gives you power. This isn’t power over the person who told you the secret, but a Universal strength of soul. When you keep the secrets of others, you are defined as a trustworthy and reliable person.
What if the secret is your own? Do you tell others? Sometimes it’s better to keep your secrets to yourself, because by holding them tightly to you, you’ll inevitably give them more power, more of a chance to grow and become all that they are supposed to be in your life. Some secrets, when shared, lose strength and can even go away. Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you’ve come up with an idea for a new product, something that hasn’t ever been done before. You’ve keep this secret to yourself for a long time, building it up in your mind, considering how you can make it work and offer it to the public. Then one day you’re having lunch with your best friend, whom you haven’t told your secret, and suddenly you feel like you should tell. So you do. A few months later, you see your product available on television. Did someone overhear what you said in the restaurant or did they also receive this idea from the Universe? You may never know for sure, but in this situation, by telling the idea you took away its power. Keeping a secret to maintain its power can be a positive action. There are also times when telling a secret that is causing harm can give you a boost in frequency. For example, if a person is being abused and is afraid to tell, then releasing the secret by telling someone they trust frees them from the negative holds of that secret and allows them to take the appropriate measures to stop the abuse.
Now that you’ve learned some of the ways that your intuition can help you achieve positive spiritual growth, it’s time to put those abilities to use. Take your time and consider all of the factors regarding the use of your abilities and how they are bringing about spiritual enlightenment for you. As you move along this path, you will also discover things that are unique to you that will bring about growth and understanding. Keep your eyes and mind open as you undertake this journey.
Tools to Use in Developing
Your Abilities
There are many tools that you can use while you are developing your intuition. Some of these tools you will always use, while others you will discard as you move past needing them to achieve your goals. In this chapter, you’ll learn about some of these tools and how they can work for you. Try each of them. If they feel right to you, embrace them as your own; if they don’t, discard them for the time being. When and if the time is right, you’ll come back to them and try again.
White Light of Divinity Protection
White light protection can be used in many ways to remove negative energy from your person and environment. Once the negativity is removed, white light is also used to protect you from any new negative energy that could cause you problems. White light is the purest, divine energy, which we’re allowed to use for our own protection and to protect those we love. You can use the White Light of Divinity to cleanse your home or to help you in certain situations such as clearing phone lines. Some people use specific prayers and methods when using white light, and this is fine if you have the time for a ritual, but I never do. I believe that spiritually we are allowed to use the White Light of Divinity as needed, so I thank the Universe each time I use it. I don’t make a big ordeal out of it because I’m always busy; the easier it is for me to do an exercise, the better.
Using white light is extremely easy and quick to do. To use white light
as protection, you are going to use creative visualization to imagine white light flowing from the Universe to you. Imagine
it as a brilliantly glowing, bright, pure light of energy forming a bubble around you, starting above your head, and moving down until it goes underneath the ground at your feet. Now you’re completely enclosed in this protective light. For more protection, you can add several layers of light and give the bubble different dimensions by making it closer or farther away from you. When you’re putting the layers of light around you, focus on its brilliance, purity, and positivity. Watch as it creates a barrier around you that doesn’t allow any negative energy to cross. You can also use creative visualization to put mirrors on the outside of the white light so that any negativity sent your way reflects back to its source.
You can use White Light of Divinity to protect yourself, loved ones, your property, and your pets by using the same method described above. If you have fears, use it to help eliminate those fears. For example, if you’re afraid of driving on the interstate, the next time you have to take that route, put several layers of white light around you before you get on the interstate. Make sure it goes underneath the tires and that you give the light the intention of moving with your vehicle. Also put it around yourself inside the vehicle. White light protection can be used at any time you need it. Use it often.
Psychic Tests
I want to start this section by saying that if you’re going to do psychic tests, try to avoid the ones online. These are electronic guessing games and aren’t a true gauge of your real ability. If you’re doing them just for fun, that’s one thing, but if you’re trying to accurately determine your level of ability, they don’t work.
Written tests that ask you about your experiences are better indicators of your abilities. When you’re answering questions based on your real life experiences, you know for sure whether or not you’ve had that experience or the types of tendencies you’re being asked about and can give an accurate, honest answer and obtain a result. If you’re intuitive, you already know it on a deep soul level. Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities in real-world settings; these types of tests will be more accurate. If you truly want to be tested, you can contact a legitimate department of parapsychology.
The best way I’ve found to analyze your intuitive abilities is to test yourself. You can practice increasing the strength of your abilities by using and assessing them based on this usage. Try this: Think of a friend and send them an energy thought that they should contact you at a specific time during the day. If that person calls or shows up at that time, then your abilities worked. Psychic abilities are difficult to test, but when you have things happen to you repeatedly, then there’s no doubt that you have them. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
A talisman or amulet is often a sign to others that the wearer has a belief in metaphysical principles and probably possesses intuitive abilities. Many intuitives like to wear a talisman or amulet either as a necklace or bracelet; some choose to carry it on their person out of public view. There are differences between an amulet and a talisman, but you’ll use the same programming when you make them. I’ve found that it’s much better to create your own talisman or amulet than to have someone else make one for you. When you design it yourself, you’re using your soul energy, frequency, and intuition to give the talisman or amulet a specific intention that is unique to your spiritual being. If you bought the item you’re using, all future energy associated with it is yours once you clear it of any energy that it may have absorbed prior to your purchase.
An amulet is used for protection from negative energy of any kind, whether it’s coming from the physical plane or from low-level entities on the spiritual plane. Amulets protect you from any kind of hostility, pessimism, or negative intent from the human, spirit, and animal worlds.
A talisman is used to attract specifically desired results such as increasing psychic abilities, spiritual insights, career success, greater positivity in your life, wisdom, knowledge, strength, or courage. Many people who work with the law of attraction also use a talisman programmed for what they want to attract into their life. Talismans are powerful tools. You can use them to aid in manifesting things in your life or to help you reach certain goals—basically for any purpose you need. You can also “double program” a talisman so that it attracts your intended purpose and provides protection. When you charge the item, you should choose whether it will act actively as a talisman and passively as an amulet or vice versa. For example, you may passively charge a pendant that you’ll wear around your neck as a talisman to protect you from negative energies you encounter and actively charge a coin that you tuck inside your purse or wallet to attract more money to you.
When creating an amulet or talisman, you’ll first choose an object that you like. It may or may not contain a stone or crystal, but if it does, the energy of that stone or crystal will enhance it. Once you’ve selected your item, hold it between your hands and envision white light cleansing it, washing away any energy from people who may have touched the item prior to your purchasing it. Now, give the item purpose. Send a telepathic message to the item stating that it will be used for the specific purpose you have in mind. Then give your energy to the item, connecting it to you. Whenever you wear or carry the item, think of its purpose as you handle it or wear it. You may feel heat from the item as it works on your behalf. You can make different ones that have different intentions and wear them all together or separately as needed.
A pendulum is a divination tool that is used to obtain answers to questions. In its basic form, it is a weight on a string. Many people make their own pendulums by tying a piece of thread to a ring or using a threaded needle. Other pendulums are made out of stones or crystals secured to a chain and the presentation can be plain or ornate. Some pendulums can be easily converted to a necklace so that it can be worn when not in use. You can buy beautiful boxes, bags, or cases to store your pendulum if you’re not wearing or using it.
Pendulums are often used to answer yes or no questions or to provide insights into your own truth and inner wisdom through connection to your higher self and your subconscious mind. You’ve probably heard that every answer is within you. A pendulum can help you uncover those answers to the questions you have about yourself, life, the Universe, or future events. The most popular use of a pendulum is to obtain answers to questions by connecting to your higher self, your soul essence, or by asking your guides to use the pendulum with you as a tool of enlightenment. It is also used to monitor your being on a soul level by helping in developing your intuition, balancing chakras, increasing your frequency, balancing your aura, and determining whether a spirit is around you. Most pendulums are used to help find answers you may need on a daily basis, but they are also used in dowsing to find water, minerals, and other items under the ground or to find lost objects.
To use a pendulum, either one that you’ve made or purchased, you will first clear your mind and fill yourself with positive energy while imagining a bubble of white protective light around you. Hold your pendulum by the end of the string or chain, or hold the middle of the chain if you feel you should; just don’t hold it too close to the actual pendulum. You want to make sure you have enough string or chain to get free-flowing movement. Many people hold the pendulum over the palm of their hand during a session but you can also hold it over a table, book, or any other surface. When asking about pregnancy, it is often held over the woman’s abdomen. Whatever surface you use, you’ll touch the tip of the pendulum to the surface between questions to indicate that the question has been answered.
Next, set the motions that will be answers. You can do this by telling the pendulum which movement goes with which action or by asking “What motion means yes? What motion means no?” and so on; after each question, watch the direction the pendulum moves in response. The most common choices are an up and down movement for “yes”; a side to side motion for “no”; a clockwise circle for “maybe”; and a counterclockwise motion for “I don’t kn
ow,” “I can’t,” or “I don’t want to say.” Do a couple of test questions to make sure everything is working right. If I use a pendulum, I always set where the answers are coming from—my subconscious mind, my higher self, or my spirit guides—so that I know I’m not moving the pendulum myself for an answer that I prefer. At this time, you’ll begin asking questions. If the pendulum doesn’t move, you will probably need to rephrase the question. Don’t rush it. Give the pendulum time to move before you start rephrasing questions too quickly. You’ll notice that sometimes the pendulum will swing very strongly and at other times gently. The stronger the movement, the more adamant the response you’ve received. When you’ve finished your session with the pendulum, clear the energy from the session before putting it away.
Manifestation/Manifestation Board
Manifestation at its root is thought. Manifestation is when you’re using creative visualization while practicing the law of attraction to materialize what you want in your life. The law of attraction is a metaphysical belief that like attracts like; in other words, positive thinking brings about positive physical results and negative thinking brings about negative physical results. According to the law of attraction, it’s all in the phrasing. If you say, “I need more money,” you will continue to “need more money.” If you rephrase this while focusing your thoughts on the end goal of having more money instead of the problem of needing more money, then you might say, “I will have more money,” thereby bringing more money into your life.
When you practice manifestation, you are placing a positive intention on your needs, desires, and goals, and holding that thought until what you desire appears in your life. You are adjusting your personal vibration to positively attract what you desire into your life by using energy to align yourself with it. If your intention is strong and clear, then the object will appear sooner rather than later. If your intention is weak and unfocused, it will take longer. During manifestation, start out with clear, concise goals.