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Your Psychic Self Page 10
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Page 10
Knowing What Someone
Is Going to Say Before They Say It
If you’ve known what someone was going to say right before they said it, or maybe you said the exact same thing as someone else at the exact same time, that’s intuition. Let’s look at a couple of explanations as to how this can happen.
Sometimes we know one another so well that we’re able to finish sentences or even communicate with just a look. But isn’t this also intuitive in nature? I believe it is. We might be so in tune with the other person that we just know what they will say next. People that are this close often finish one another’s sentences.
Sometimes, we do not know the person at all. When you’re able to finish the sentence of a person whom you do not know, this is an example of your intuitive abilities at work. You clairvoyantly pick up on what they are about to say seconds before they speak the words. You’re briefly connecting with their energy and with them on a soul level.
If you had a nickel for every time you knew what someone was going to say before they said it, or for every time you said something at the same time as someone else, I bet you’d be rich, wouldn’t you? Finishing sentences for someone else or knowing what someone is going to say before they say it are signs of your telepathic ability shining through.
This doesn’t apply to talking over someone, which is finishing what you think they’re going to say just because you’re too impatient to give the person time to talk. When you do that, it has nothing to do with psychic abilities. You’re just interrupting them. Talking over someone is telling them indirectly that you think they’re inarticulate and you don’t have the time, interest, or inclination to listen to what they have to say. If someone is struggling for a word and asks, “What’s that word? It’s on the tip of my tongue,” that’s a request for assistance and if you answer then, you’re helping them out.
Your telepathic ability comes into play when you either think the exact same words at the exact same time as they are said by someone else, or you verbalize those words and both of you say the same thing. Then one of you says, “Jinx! You owe me a soda,” and have a good laugh. This normally happens more with people whom you’re close to than strangers because you’re more in tune with their energy and have a connection to them. Best friends or twins sometimes only talk in half sentences because they already know the rest. A conversation between telepathic people who are this close can be difficult to follow. Sometimes, they can just look at each other and know what the other one is thinking. That is a true telepathic connection.
Sometimes called “mind-with-body,” this is when you are able to control your body’s sensing abilities and physical reactions by focusing intuitively on the energy surrounding you and using visualization to positively affect it. This is not a predictive type of ability where you’re receiving impressions. Instead, you’re using intuition to connect to your energy. I’ve been fascinated with this concept since I was a teenager and saw a documentary about a man who could consciously slow down his breathing and heart rate so much that people thought he had died. Of course, after the show was over, I had to try it. In order to control your body in this manner you really have to intuitively tune in to every fiber of your being. You must be at one with your breath, heart, and blood flow. You must feel a connection to your intuitive and spiritual self and you must maintain a firm control over the way your body reacts to your intuitive suggestions. It’s always good to have someone with you when you try an exercise like this. Then they can monitor your success rate. If you are breathing at twenty breaths per minute and you’re able to slow it down to eight, or you’re able to reduce your pulse from ninety to seventy, then your abilities are working to control your body as you’re instructing them.
People also use intuitive mind-over-body techniques to control pain or heal wounds. When women are in labor and the medical staff says to find a spot on the wall, focus on it, and breathe, you’re essentially calling on your intuitive self to control the pain by focusing elsewhere. You can also focus directly on pain to bring about faster healing. The next time you have a small cut, intuitively send healing energy to the pain of the cut, giving it the intention that the cut will not hurt anymore and will heal in half the time it would normally take. Write down your results.
People who find themselves in exceptional life-or-death circumstances will fall back into their primitive intuitive nature to push back the need for sleep, food, and even water by connecting to their soul essence in order to survive. I’ve seen numerous television shows where people have talked about imagining their body being warm from the inside out when caught in extremely cold weather. This is using intuitive focus to keep your body going, without feeling pain or cold during the experience. Some will say that this isn’t an intuitive ability because the people who can do this don’t label themselves as intuitive. Many in the medical field will say that this cannot happen because the body heals itself without any influence from the mind. That’s absolutely true, but I also believe that giving intention and focus through the use of our intuitive healing abilities can bring about positive results in the form of faster healing. Other people, while under a doctor’s care, have obtained miraculous results through the power of prayer and by using their intuitive nature to heal from within. Sometimes you just have to have faith and believe. In doing so, you open your soul essence to ignite your own healing abilities.
Unblocking Intuitive Energy
We all have had days, or periods of time in our life, when everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Do you feel like you’re unlucky, as though fate has it out for you and it’s just your destiny to experience negativity? If you’re experiencing these types of situations, it is likely that your intuitive energy is blocked. You’re no longer in sync with your abilities; when you’re intuitively out of tune, you feel stuck until you can find your way back to center. This is sometimes easier said than done. You may not notice any self-sabotaging things that you’re doing to clog and backup your intuitive channels. You may subconsciously feel you deserve what you’re getting, that you’re not seeing the forest through the trees, and you may feel as if nothing will ever change in your life. Is there a life lesson that you’re supposed to learn but you’re just not getting? If your intuitive energy is blocked, this could very well be the case, especially if you feel that you’ve unblocked yourself but are still experiencing the negative situation. When you’re not in tune with your intuitive self, it’s easier to miss the lesson behind the situations befalling you.
So how do you unblock your intuitive abilities so you can become more grounded and in tune with this part of your essence? You let go. Release all the negativity in your life. Make changes, let go of what no longer serves you, and find your way back onto your life path instead of drifting around in the woods and fighting the undergrowth at every turn, making little progress with these obstacles.
You are in control of your destiny; your destiny does not control you. You’re only unlucky if you think you’re unlucky. Remember, like attracts like; if you’re always thinking you’re unlucky, then you’ll continue to be so. Fate means that something was predestined to happen in a specific way. You are the creator of your life path; you put these situations in your way to learn something from them. Clear your mind, focus your emotions, and take time to examine what the lesson is.
To unblock your intuitive energy, the first thing you have to do is realize that it is blocked. If you avoid or ignore it, then you’ll be stuck in this pattern. Next, you have to release any negative energy that has accumulated within your person or environment so you can move forward again. Start by using white light to cleanse yourself from the core outward. Then acknowledge it by saying out loud, “I am in control of my destiny.” See your intuitive abilities as separate pieces of yourself and cleanse them. Once you’ve done this, you’ll find that your flow is clear and strong and you are able to reconnect to your soul essence of
being. Imagine yourself grounded to the earth, centered and focused. Now that you’ve unblocked your abilities, connect to their positive energy each time you use them.
Your Abilities and Water
Sometimes you can receive intuitive impressions or moments of great spiritual insight about your abilities when you’re taking a shower, soaking in a bath, or relaxing in the pool. Some intuitives even do readings with water and get impressions from the way it swirls in a cup or the way droplets form on a glass; they may dip their fingers in the water and then let it drip from their fingers onto a flat surface and do the reading based on how the droplets are arranged. Water is a great conductor of impressions for many reasons. Before we were born we lived in water; when we are connected to it now, we relax and feel comfortable, making it easier to receive impressions or messages.
Sometimes when you’re blocked intuitively, water can unblock you. I’d like to share an exercise that I often tell people to do that will help them connect with their intuitive abilities, relieve stress and anxiety, and allow them to release any negative energy surrounding them. It is a simple exercise but its benefits can be substantial.
Try It Now:
Unlock Your Intuitive Abilities with Water
The first thing you’ll do is run a deep, hot bath, not a lukewarm or cool bath. Get the water as hot as you can stand it without burning yourself. If you want to put fragrance into the water, that’s perfectly okay because it will help you tune in even more. Stand in the tub. Now (because the water is hot and your skin is sensitive) slowly lower yourself into the tub. As the water flows over your skin, imagine its energy flowing into the muscles of your legs and all the way through your body as you sink deeper into the water until you’re submerged up to your chin. Visualize the water’s energy flowing through you, seeking out any negativity and soaking it up like a sponge. Ask your guides for any messages that they want to relay to you; think about new ideas you would like to create or solutions to problems you need to resolve and then let these thoughts go. Clear your mind, feel centered within yourself, and connect to your own intuitive energy. Now, and this is the most important part, relax. Soon you will begin to receive solutions, new ideas, and insightful messages. When you are finished soaking, imagine the energy of the water that you drew inside of you now moving out of you, taking any negativity with it. Stand up in the tub at this point and pull the drain so that the negativity doesn’t reattach to you. Shake any water off of your feet as you get out of the tub and dry off. Then write down any messages that you received while soaking. When you’re stuck, this exercise can give you a new perspective on things. You’ll feel recharged, invigorated, and more in tune with your intuitive nature.
Sensing Trespassers
If you’ve entered a space that no one but you is supposed to have access to, such as your home, workspace, car, or any other part of your property, and are overcome with the sensation that someone else has been there even though nothing is out of place, then that is your intuition warning you. When you psychically connect to this sensation, you know right away that it was a living person that invaded your space. To me, this feels like a heavy, prickly sensation of the energy of the intruder. Sometimes you can determine exactly who it was and other times you can’t. This sensation is one that feels persistent and gives you a sense of uncertainty.
When your intuitive abilities are on high alert in these types of situations, you should always pay attention. More often than not, the person is someone you know, a coworker or a family member. When you start asking around, you will discover the cause of your sense of unease. Other times, it may be someone you don’t know and who isn’t supposed to be there. Recently I’ve had this sensation at our barn. Something just seemed off, as if there was an energy that didn’t belong. Over the course of several months, it started as small things. Feed bins and stall doors were unlocked when I knew for a fact that I’d shut and latched them the night before, items were in the wrong places, and then it escalated: the tail of one of our horses was cut and there were injuries that just didn’t make sense. Because of the impressions that I’d received, I became more alert and aware of how the barn looked at night and anything that was wrong in the morning. We started calling the police and filing reports. I notified everyone in the community, put signs on the property, and lit the barn up with floodlights so that anyone who came into the barn would be seen. I double-checked everything twice at the end of the day. Soon the feeling went away and we no longer had any problems. Had I not been in tune with the energy of the barn as well as my intuitive connection to my animals and their behavior, this intrusion may have continued. So make sure that when you have these types of feelings, you tune in intuitively, focus, and become more aware. It may not be anything serious, but then again, it could be warnings that will help you head off future problems.
Other times, you may sense that a person is in your space when you’re expecting them to show up. You look, but they haven’t arrived. In this case, they are projecting their energy to their destination before they actually get there, and because you’re waiting for them, you pick up on this energy. When this happens, you’ll find yourself constantly looking out of the window to see if they’ve arrived because you’re picking up their projected energy.
Finding Lost Items
If you’re particularly good at finding things you’ve lost or that someone else has lost, then you’re probably using your intuitive ability to find the missing object. This is a very helpful way to use your abilities, especially if you’re running late and have misplaced your car keys. Let’s look at some ways to use your specific abilities in order to find missing items. If one method feels blocked to you and isn’t working, try using a different ability to locate the object.
When an item is missing, it’s easy to get frustrated and anxious as you attempt to find it. Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you, stop. Stand still for a moment and focus your attention on the object. Use your clairvoyance to seek out the energy of the lost item and then see yourself finding it a few minutes into the future. Now go to where you saw yourself finding what you’ve misplaced. More often than not, it will be where you saw yourself finding it. If you’re empathic, you’ll do the same thing. Stop, focus on the object, and feel its location. Walk around the general area until you feel drawn to a specific spot that just feels right. If you are clairaudient, ask your guides to tell you the item’s location. Listen carefully and then go look in the place that you hear.
You can also use remote viewing to find lost objects. First, think of the object that has gone astray, and then follow the energy path of the object to its current location. Similarly, creative visualization can be used to find lost objects. Imagine that you’re intuitively connected to the item by a cord of energy. Now gather the cord in your hands, gathering it up as you walk closer to the object. When you’re out of cord, you’ll find the item.
One thing to remember is that sometimes you’re not supposed to find the lost item, but instead you’re supposed to learn a lesson from losing it. There are times when the thing that you’ve lost has served its purpose for you and has been found by someone else in order to fulfill a purpose in their lives. Let’s say you have a favorite worry stone, one of those little polished stones that you keep in your pocket and rub when you’re worried, and then out of the blue, the stone is missing. The lesson in losing it could simply be that you’ve grown past having to rub a stone to eliminate worry. You no longer need this device so your worry stone has been lost, only to be found by someone who needs a worry stone. If the item is supposed to remain in your life (like your car keys), then you will find it easily by using your intuitive abilities.
So how did you do? Were you able to incorporate the use of your abilities in your everyday routine? If some of the methods I discussed seemed difficult, give them a fair chance to work and take what feels right to you in these practices; if something does not feel right, you may not be r
eady for it at this time in this life. For those practices you are meant to have in this life, you’ll soon connect with the ability and be able to use it whenever you need it. Don’t give up. Your abilities are a core part of yourself. They are intertwined with your soul, a clear knowledge and a gift to be treasured. Embrace them.
Types of Abilities and Psychic Experiences
Everyone is born with intuitive abilities and we use them daily, even if we do not identify them as intuitive. We are all individuals who charted our lessons and level of growth prior to this lifetime for specific reasons. Each one of us moves along our spiritual path at the rate that is right for us. Once you become comfortable with your abilities, new ones will continue to emerge when you are ready. Think of it this way: you couldn’t learn everything presented to you from kindergarten to twelfth grade overnight, and neither can you master your abilities overnight. Intuitive abilities are part of your spiritual growth. Therefore, you will progress when the time is right for you.
Some of you may know for sure exactly what your abilities are, while others may wonder whether your experiences are just products of a vivid imagination or something more. So how do you tell if you have abilities or not? Maybe you’ve had an inkling for a while now. You know things before they happen without having any reason to know them. This is clairvoyance. Sometimes when you walk into a room, you feel like you’re being watched from the upper corners—greet those spirits in the corners as you pass by. Maybe you even see shadow people walk by who aren’t there when you look again. Do you realize that you just saw a spirit? You hear your name called when alone (your guides do this a lot), you smell odors and aromas that have no physical source (from a recently departed loved one), and the light bulbs in your house are constantly blowing out (spirits trying to get your attention).